Resource Sustainability

Policy and Basic Approach

Securing and procuring a stable supply of resources is one of the most important functions of a trading company. However, the earth’s resources are limited, and we must therefore develop, supply, and use resources in a sustainable manner. Furthermore, in recent years there is a growing focus on the shift towards a circular economy in which reusing, reducing, and recycling limited resources enables the effective use of resources. Sojitz’s efforts to realize a circular economy are crucial, not only from the perspective of combating the global issue of climate change and contributing to the reduction of CO2 emissions from product manufacturing and waste incineration, but also because these initiatives for resource recycling create business opportunities for Sojitz.

To accomplish this aim, Sojitz has set “Resources” as one of its Key Sustainability Issues (Materiality) and pursues the development, supply, and use of sustainable resources (energy, mineral, food, water, forest, marine and other resources).We also strive to conserve resources, propose suitable energy mixes, and provide a stable supply of resources.

Furthermore, Sojitz Group’s Environmental Policy states that Sojitz will engage in curbing the use of natural resources such as energy and water, and the reducing and recycling of waste; and that it will promote initiatives for the stable supply of resources and realization of a suitable energy mix.

In the course of discussing Sojitz’s roadmap to a decarbonized society, we have identified technological and world trends for each decade and then determined our response and approach for each. In these discussions, we have positioned our contributions to the construction of a circular economy as an opportunity for Sojitz.

In April 2021, we changed the name of our Metals & Mineral Resources Division to the Metals, Mineral Resources & Recycling Division. Through this division, we will promote reforms of existing resource-related businesses and strengthen our recycling business initiatives.

Goals and Targets

Targets for Sojitz’s Business Activities

In Sojitz’s Medium-term Management Plan 2023 which was announced in April 2021, Sojitz chose circular economy as one of three focus areas and committed to the following aim:

●We will pursue recycling and recycling-related businesses arising from shifting mass-consumption needs as well as pursue bio-materials businesses.

Focus Areas in MTP2023

Focus Areas in MTP2023 Image

Targets for Office Activities

Sojitz Corporation (Tokyo HQ, Osaka office) set a target to "continuously maintain a recycling rate of 90% for the recycling rate of office waste from FY2020 onward." We already achieved a rate of 95% in FY2016. Moving forward, we are committed to retaining and raising this level.


In order to advance sustainability-oriented management and operations, Sojitz has established a Sustainability Committee with the CEO of Sojitz serving as its Committee Chair, as well a dedicated Corporate Sustainability Office.

The Sustainability Committee's activities include establishing company-wide sustainability-related policies and goals (including for the sustainable use of resources), constructing frameworks for their implementation, and monitoring various measures that utilize the ISO 14001 environmental management system standard.

Additionally, the Finance & Investment Deliberation Council is checking individual proposals for their relevance in terms of environmental or social risks and sustainability.

Sustainability Committee Members (Current as of April 1, 2024)

Committee Chair
  • President, COO
  • Chairman, CEO
  • CFO
    Executive Management of Corporate Departments
    COO, Corporate Planning Department
  • Managing Executive Officer,COO, Human Resources Department
  • Executive Officer, COO, PR Department, IR Office, Corporate Sustainability Department
  • Corporate Auditor
  • General Manager, Legal Department
  • General Manager, Corporate Planning Department
  • Corporate Sustainability Department

Systems to Promote and Implement Sustainability

In addition, we monitor resource sustainability within the framework of our environmental management systems. Based on the risks and opportunities we have identified for each Key Sustainability Issue (Materiality), our divisions and departments set targets for the creation of businesses that contribute to the recycling and efficient use of resources.

Managing Environmental & Social Risk

Risk Management by the Sustainability Committee / Reports Submitted to the Board of Directors (Supervisory Body)

Sojitz Group classifies and defines the many risks associated with our businesses according to our Basic Code of Corporate Risk Management, and we establish a risk management policy and management plan for these risks each year, based on a resolution by the Board of Directors.( Risk Management )Among these risks, countermeasure policy and initiatives regarding environmental and social risk (including risk related to climate change) are deliberated by the Sustainability Committee. These policies and initiatives may then be put into action following a report to the Management Committee and Board of Directors.

New Investment Projects

In addition to examining a project’s business plan, deliberation on all business investments and loans require projects to be analyzed and evaluated for risks to the environment (climate change-related risks) and risks to society (the risk of impacting local residents, labor safety-related risks, etc.) A project’s value must be confirmed from a sustainability perspective prior to resolution.


Sojitz has set “resources” as one of its Key Sustainability Issues (materiality), and pursues the development, supply, and use of sustainable resources. We strive to conserve resources, propose suitable energy mixes, and provide a stable supply of resources.

Participation in IT Asset Reuse and Recycling Businesses

In January 2021, Sojitz acquired a stake in TES-AMM JAPAN K.K., the Japanese branch of TES Group, one of the largest global IT asset disposition service providers. Through this investment, we look to promote the normalization of reuse and recycling of IT equipment in order to contribute to the realization of circular economies. In addition, TES Group is moving forward with the development of a lithium-ion battery recycling business that utilizes Sojitz’s network.

Participation in IT Asset Reuse and Recycling Businesses Image

Acceleration of Chemical Recycling Initiatives

  • The Chemicals Division has been accelerating initiatives in the plastic recycling market, which is expected to continue growing over the next 10 years or more, as part of its efforts to address environmental issues. Areas of focus in this regard include the capacity for processing mixed plastics comprising multiple types of plastic, the ability to use the naphtha created by refining said plastics in existing petrochemical facilities, and the potential for the production of recycled plastic with a level of quality on par with conventional plastic. With these areas of focus, we have been moving ahead with the development of waste plastic chemical recycling processes that utilize thermal decomposition oil production technologies.

Trial of a Circular Renewable Resource Platform

Sojitz has formed an alliance with Recotech Co., Ltd., Nissho Electronics Corporation, and NTT Communications Corporation to begin a trial of a circular renewable resource platform that realizes a circular economy through visualizing the type and volume of recyclable resources such as plastics—which have previously been disposed of—and creating a place where the resources can be traded between users and suppliers.

  • This project has been published as a noteworthy case in J4CE (Japan Partnership for Circular Economy)’s “Initiatives on the Circular Economy by Japanese Companies.”

United Nations Food Systems Summit (FSS)*1

Sojitz supports the United Nations Food Systems Summit (FSS), which will launch concrete actions to transform food systems*2 to be more sustainable as part of the UN’s efforts to achieve all Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

  • The UN Food Systems Summit is a summit conceived of by United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres as an essential step to transform food systems to become more sustainable and to achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  • Food systems refer to the series of activities involved in the production, processing, transport, and consumption of food.

“Sojitz will contribute to the realization of greater sustainability in food systems through its initiatives to provide a stable supply of food resources.”

Goals and Targets

  • Sojitz will lead the way in promoting the spread of MSC-certified sashimi tuna around the world in order to pursue sustainable use of natural fishery resources. MSC certification provides proof that the seafood was caught by a responsible fishery in a sustainable manner.
  • In its tuna farming business, Sojitz is committed to sustainable aquaculture and aims to maintain its certification from the Seedling Council for Sustainable Aquaculture (SCSA).
  • Sojitz aims to utilize IoT and AI to industrialize tuna farming in order to improve the efficiency of its aquaculture business.

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Waste Discharge Data

A) Sojitz Corporation’s Waste Discharge and Recycling Rates

1. Data and Results (FY2018-FY2022)

2. Scope of Data

Sojitz Corporation: Head office, Kansai Office, excluding branches (Hokkaido, Tohoku and Nagoya)

3. Target Recycling Rate

Office recycling target: Maintain a recycling rate of 90% for office waste.

  • We previously achieved a recycling rate of 95% for office waste in FY2016. We are committed to retaining and raising this recycling level.

4. Hazardous waste

FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Hazardous waste* 0.02 tons 0.02 tons 0.13 tons 0.03 tons
  • The total amount of specially controlled industrial waste generated by Sojitz Corporation (including offices and branches).

B) Sojitz Group’s Waste Discharge

1. Data and Results (FY2018-FY2022)

FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Waste Discharge 17,902 tons 60,485 tons 67,711 tons 62,769 tons 67,103 tons ★
-Amount recycled 8,281 tons 7,100 tons 18,000 tons 32,939 tons
-Amount disposed of 52,203 tons 60,611 tons 44,768 tons 34,163 tons

2. Scope of Data

Sojitz Corporation (including offices and branches), all Group companies in Japan, and Group companies overseas.

  • The main reason for the increase in discharge from FY2019 is the acquisition of an overseas paper manufacturing company in FY2018. Furthermore, the data for FY2018 does not include emissions from this company.
  • As there were corrections to a section of past data, we have restated the numbers for FY2020.
    (Data before correction: FY2020 75,395 tons)

Water Consumption

A) Sojitz Corporation’s Water Usage

1. Data and Results (FY2018-FY2022)

  • Water usage for the Tokyo head office and Kansai Office was calculated using an estimate based on the number of employees in each office.

2. Scope of Data

Sojitz Corporation: Head office, Kansai Office excluding branches (Hokkaido, Tohoku and Nagoya).

B) Sojitz Group’s Water Usage

Sojitz Group’s Water Usage

1. Data and Results (FY2018-FY2022)

FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Water Usage 1.26 million m3 4.77 million m3 5.03 million m3 4.50 million m3 4.97 million m3

2. Scope of Data

Sojitz Corporation (including offices and branches), all Group companies in Japan, and Group companies overseas.

  • The main reason for the increase in usage from FY2019 is the acquisition of an overseas paper manufacturing company in FY2018. Furthermore, the data for FY2018 does not include emissions from this company.

Water withdrawal by source

1. Data and Results (FY2018~FY2022)


  FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
    Tap water, industrial water 659,934 3,020,934 3,351,857 2,971,193 3,318,064
Groundwater 530,800 521,059 456,654 462,202 472,977
River water 62,920 1,220,977 1,213,895 1,068,290 1,176,457
Rainwater 2,630 4,048 3,360 2,847 2,600
Freshwater total 1,256,284 4,767,018 5,025,766 4,504,531 4,970,099
Seawater 180,516,900 178,401,225 151,920,000 174,576,000 175,332,600
Total (including seawater) 181,773,184 183,168,243 156,945,766 179,080,531 180,302,699

2. Scope of Data

Sojitz Corporation (including offices and branches), all Group companies in Japan, and Group companies overseas.

  • Freshwater usage has increased since FY2019, mainly due to Sojitz’s acquisition of an overseas paper manufacturing company in FY2018. Furthermore, the data for FY2018 does not include emissions from this company.

Amount of wastewater discharged according to discharge site

1. Data and Results (FY2018~FY2022)


  FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
    River 596,454 2,741,447 2,827,894 2,679,339 2,942,748
Sewer 263,974 245,527 166,796 773,007 672,474
Underground seepage 6,214 6,589 5,898 5,879 15,951
Other 97,353 112,954 68,323 33,471 66,065
Freshwater total 963,955 3,106,517 3,068,911 3,491,696 3,697,238
Ocean 179,770,418 177,677,695 151,275,080 173,784,135 174,651,748
Total (including seawater) 180,734,414 180,784,212 154,343,992 177,275,831 178,348,986

2. Scope of Data

Sojitz Corporation (including offices and branches), all Group companies in Japan, and Group companies overseas.

  • Freshwater discharge has increased since FY2019, mainly due to Sojitz’s acquisition of an overseas paper manufacturing company in FY2018. Furthermore, the data for FY2018 does not include emissions from this company.

Recycle Rate for Water Used

1. Data and Results (FY2018~FY2022)

FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 2022
16% 9% 8% 3% 1%

(Amount of water recycled divided by total usage)

2. Scope of Data

Sojitz Corporation (including offices and branches), all Group companies in Japan, and Group companies overseas.

  • The recycling rate has been declining since FY2019, mainly due to Sojitz’s acquisition of an overseas paper manufacturing company in FY2018. The data for FY2018 does not include the overseas paper manufacturing company acquired in that year.

Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) and Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) Amounts

1. Data and Results (FY2019~FY2022)


  FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
COD 3,421 2,796 601 551
BOD 3,345 2,694 427 441

2. Scope of Data

Sojitz Corporation (including offices and branches), all Group companies in Japan, and Group companies overseas.

Paper Consumption

A) Sojitz Corporation’s Paper Usage

1. Data and Results (FY2018-FY2022)

2. Scope of Data

Sojitz Corporation: Head office, Kansai Office