Nagaoka Zen Training Center
Nagaoka Zen Training Center
The Nagaoka Zen Training Center (Nagaoka Zen Juku) was established in 1936 by Katsujiro Iwai, the founder of Iwai & Co. Ltd., one of Sojitz's predecessor companies, for the purpose of promoting a Zen-based background to education and providing scholarships. Numerous students and working people active in many fields have taken part in Zen teachings at the center. As a member of the Saishokai Group, the corporate group of Iwai & Co., Ltd., Sojitz will continue to support the center and carry on the spirit in which it was founded.
Saishokai is a company group consisting of ten companies, founded in 1953 to recognize the virtues of the founder of Nagaoka Zen Training Center, Katsujiro Iwai, and to deepen cooperation and friendly relationships among member companies listed below.
Saishokai Youth Committee Members Create Zen-Themed Picture Book
The Youth Committee, a subcommittee of the Saishokai, is made up of young and mid-career employees selected from Saishokai member companies who come together every year from May to the following February to conduct research activities on a set theme for close to an entire year. In FY2019, 12 participants from 9 member companies—including Sojitz—took part in the Saishokai Youth Committee, creating a picture book called Sai no Katsujiro (“Katsujiro the Rhino”). The theme of the book focused on Zen-related concepts in honor of the Zen spirit that Katsujiro Iwai emphasized in his business and management practices. The Youth Committee participants then visited a preschool to read the book aloud to children.
Members read books to classes of children aged 2 to 5 -
After the readings, the members donated books and kamishibai boards (picture boards used to tell stories) that they created
Member Companies
Kansai Paint Co., Ltd.
Daicel Corporation
Toabo Corporation
Tokuyama Corporation
Metal One Corporation
Japan Bridge Corporation
NHK Spring Co., Ltd.
FUJIFILM Corporation
Sojitz Corporation