Human Resources

Sojitz Group’s growth depends on its employees. We want to make Sojitz a rewarding company to work for and to create fulfilling workplace environments that support a diversity of people and work styles. Accordingly, we have established human resource systems and workplace environments that enable all employees to utilize their talents.

Key Social Issues

  • Creation of rewarding workplaces and improvement of productivity
  • Empowerment of diverse human resources
  • Development of talent capable of driving innovation


Sojitz has selected the following Key Sustainability Issues (materiality).

Theme Contents Related SDGs

Promote opportunities for diverse human resources and workplace diversity

The greatest business asset is a diverse workforce. We strive to build a positive work environment, to establish systems for hiring, evaluating and training employees, and to promote diversity in the workplace through active involvement of human resources with diverse values.

4 Quality Education
5 Gender Equality
8 Decent Work and Economic Growth
10 Reduced Inequalities

The greatest business asset is a diverse workforce. We strive to build a positive work environment, to establish systems for hiring, evaluating and training employees, and to promote diversity in the workplace through active involvement of human resources with diverse values.

Related SDGs
4 Quality Education
5 Gender Equality
8 Decent Work and Economic Growth
10 Reduced Inequalities

Related Policies


For more details on Sojitz’s human resource initiatives, please visit the Sojitz ESG Book.