Process for Setting Materiality
Sojitz defines the Materiality (Key Sustainability Issues) after internally discussing and analyzing them based on international norms, having them verified as appropriate through dialogue with stakeholders, and obtaining authorization from the Management Committee and Board of Directors.
(1) Develop a Perspective and Process for Creating Value
In order for Sojitz Group to continue to create "two types of value" in the future, it is absolutely essential that we understand the needs and expectations of our various stakeholders around the world and respond to changes in society.
Our process for selecting the Materiality includes analysis of international standards and trends, such as the United Nations' SDGs, which encompass a number of social issues and needs.
Major International Standards Referenced
- The United Nations Global Compact's Ten Principles
- Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
- ISO 26000 Social Responsibility
- The United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
- COP21 Paris Agreement
(2) Derive Sustainability Issues through Consideration for International Standards and the External Environment
We analyze Sojitz's risks and opportunities from a mid-to long-term perspective, after analyzing internal conditions with Sojitz Group based on the particular characteristics of the trading company business model and Sojitz's business. We then pick out the sustainability-related issues which we should prioritize work on.
(3) Initiatives from the Stakeholder's Perspective
We continue to create opportunities for dialogue with stakeholders and discuss with experts on international norms and trends with regards to environmental and human rights issues in order to better incorporate stakeholders' perspectives into our sustainability efforts. To better incorporate the demands placed on our company by society at large, we exchange opinions with these stakeholders, as well as have them verify the appropriateness of the Materiality and policies for future initiatives.