Message from the President
I, Kosuke Uemura, have assumed my role as Sojitz president and COO as of April 1st, 2024.
This fiscal year, Sojitz will celebrate its 20th anniversary. While this milestone marks Sojitz’s “coming of age,” the roots of our predecessor companies—Nichimen Corporation and Nissho Iwai Corporation—can be traced back over 160 years. We have inherited the ambitious spirit of our predecessors passed down throughout our long history, and I am committed to making Sojitz a company that will continue to be filled with youthful potential and challenge-taking spirit in order to create new value on a global scale and contribute to a future of prosperity as we embody the Sojitz Group slogan of “New way, New value.”
Sojitz’s new Medium-term Management Plan 2026 will also begin from this fiscal year. Our external operating environment is rapidly shifting with a rise in geopolitical risks such as the Russo-Ukraine War, as well as ongoing changes to the business landscape resulting from rapid advances in digital technologies. In order to realize sustainable value creation under these circumstances, we must reinforce our business bases and enhance human capital while implementing an all-in approach toward digital transformation (with the motto “Digital in All”) to create our unique Sojitz growth story moving forward.
As society’s needs diversify and become more complex, it is essential that we both collaborate with our stakeholders and find ways to define Sojitz’s unique identity in order to provide solutions. Through an accumulation of these efforts, we will realize Sojitz’s vision for 2030 to become a “general trading company that constantly cultivates new businesses and human capital.”
Kosuke Uemura
Representative Director, President & COO
June 2024