
Stock Information

Securities Code : 2768




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Collaborate proactively

Collaborate proactively are indispensable for Sojitz to pursuit competitiveness and growth. These methodologies are used to create new value and provide solutions by integrating Sojitz’s insight, functions, and resources in a manner that exceeds the boundaries of businesses, organizations, and companies.

Core cash flow

Core operating cash flow + Post-adjustment, net cash provided by (used in) investing activities – Dividends paid – Purchase of treasury stock
(Post-adjustment, net cash provided by (used in) investing activities are net cash provided by (used in) investing activities after adjustment for changes in long-term operating assets, etc.)

Core earnings

Core earnings = Gross profit + Selling, general and administrative expenses (before provision of allowance for doubtful accounts and write-offs) + Net interest expenses + Dividend received + Share of profit (loss) of investments accounted for using the equity method

Core operating cash flow

Cash flow after deducting changes in working capital from operating cash flows calculated for accounting purposes.


Cash return on invested capital
CROIC is an indicator used for measuring and evaluating value creation introduced as part of Medium-Term Management Plan 2023.
CROIC = Core operating cash flow / Invested capital


Hassojitz Project

The Hassojitz Project is Sojitz’s unique business development project aimed at cultivating new businesses and human capital for the purpose of creating two types of value .



International Financial Reporting Standards. IFRS are issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). Sojitz Corporation has voluntarily adopted the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) instead of Japanese accounting standards from the consolidated financial statements of the annual report for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2013.



Sojitz has defined key sustainability issues needing to be addressed through its business activities over the medium to long term in order to continue creating its two types of value .


Medium-term management plan

Sojitz Corporation has been working on "Medium-term Management Plan 2026 ~Set for Next Stage~" a 3-year plan started in April 2024.

Medium-term management plan 2026


New way, New value

With the group slogan of "New way, New value," each employee of the Sojitz Group thinks creatively, unbound by traditional approaches as we strive to realize new value in society.

Non-resource business

The Sojitz Group refers to business of the Infrastructure & Healthcare Division and Metals, Mineral Resources & Recycling Division (without Recycling business and Metal One Corporation) as "resource business," and businesses of other divisions as "non-resource business."


Resource business

The Sojitz Group refers to business of the Infrastructure & Healthcare Division and Metals, Mineral Resources & Recycling Division (without Recycling business and Metal One Corporation) as "resource business."

Risk assets

The maximum loss that could occur in the future for all assets and positions. Risk assests are monitored by comparing risk assets to equity and profit respectively to assess the adequacy and earnings capacity of equity.


Sojitz Environmental Policy

As a member of society, in striving to realize sustainable development that balances economic development with environmental protection, the Sojitz Group has established the Sojitz Environmental Policy, as part of which we undertake activities to preserve the environment.

Sojitz Environmental Policy


Two Types of Values

Sojitz Group generates value through its business activities. One is "value for Sojitz" such as an enhanced business foundation and sustained growth. The other is "value for society," such as development of local economies and protection of the environment.

Click here for more information about the "Two Types of Value"

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