Evaluation by Society

External Evaluations of Our IR Activities

Gomez IR Site Ranking

  • The Gomez IR Site Ranking operated by BroadBand Security, Inc. evaluates the IR sites of publicly listed companies and ranks them based on their usability and the depth and quality of information available. Sojitz has been selected as a Gold Ranking company for five consecutive years since 2019.

Internet IR Award

  • Daiwa Investor Relations Co. Ltd. evaluates and grades the standards by which listed companies disclose information online (IR sites) each year, granting awards to the top companies. This award is one of the longest-running awards in Japan and is often upheld as a benchmark for determining the quality of IR sites.

Awards & Commendations

S&P Global Sustainability Award

  • Sojitz has been selected for “Top 1%” Sustainability Award within the Trading Companies & Distributors sector by USA company S&P Global.

    Since 2004, Swiss company RobecoSAM has assessed the corporate sustainability of major companies worldwide, giving awards to the best companies in each industry sector. With the acquisition of RobecoSAM’s ESG evaluation business by S&P Global Inc., the assessments have been performed by S&P Global since 2020.


  • CDP is a non-profit organization based in London and jointly run by institutional investors. CDP collects data from major companies across the world regarding environmental strategies and countermeasures against greenhouse gases emitted by these companies. CDP then analyzes this data and announces the results each year. Sojitz has received a rating of A− (leadership level) with regards to climate change for five consecutive years since 2019.

ESG Indexes

FTSE4Good Index Series, FTSE Blossom Japan Index and FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index

  • For seven consecutive years starting in 2018, Sojitz has been selected as a constituent of the FTSE4Good Index Series and the FTSE Blossom Japan Index, which are indices provided by global index provider FTSE Russell*. These are both widely used by investors, as indices composed of companies which excel in their response to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues.
    Furthermore, for three consecutive years starting in 2022, Sojitz has been selected as a constituent of the FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index, a new ESG index provided by FTSE Russell. The FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index is a comprehensive environmental, social, and governance (ESG) index that includes FTSE Russell’s ESG ratings and also screens companies for selection based on an assessment of their environmental impact and management of climate change risks.

    The FTSE Blossom Japan Index and the FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index have also been selected by the Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF) as indices for ESG investment.

    • Fully-owned subsidiary of the London Stock Exchange. Creates and manages indexes, as well as provides related financial data on a global scale.

    "FTSE Russell confirms that Sojitz has been independently assessed according to the indices criteria, and has satisfied the requirements to become a constituent of the FTSE4Good Index Series, the FTSE Blossom Japan Index and the FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index. Created by the global index and data provider FTSE Russell, these indices are designed to measure the performance of companies demonstrating strong Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) practices and are used by a wide variety of market participants to create and assess responsible investment funds and other products."

MSCI Japan ESG Select Leaders Index and MSCI Japan Empowering Women Index

  • Sojitz has been selected as a constituent of the MSCI Japan Empowering Women Index (WIN) for seven consecutive years since 2017. Index figures are calculated using data disclosed under the Act on Promotion of Women’s Participation and Advancement in the Workplace, with constituents comprised of those companies which earn a high gender diversity score.

    In December 2023, Sojitz was selected as a constituent for the MSCI Japan ESG Select Leaders Index.
    This Index is comprised of listed companies with high ESG ratings across their industry sectors.

    The MSCI Japan ESG Select Leaders Index and MSCI Japan Empowering Women Index (WIN) were created by U.S. company MSCI Inc. and represent ESG indices adopted by the GPIF for ESG investment.

    The inclusion of Sojitz in any MSCI Index, and the use of MSCI logos, trademarks, service marks or index names herein, do not constitute a sponsorship, endorsement or promotion of Sojitz by MSCI or any of its affiliates. The MSCI indexes are the exclusive property of MSCI. MSCI and the MSCI index names and logos are trademarks or service marks of MSCI or its affiliates.

The Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI)

  • Sojitz Corporation (“Sojitz”) was selected a constituent of World listings (five consecutive years since 2018) and Asia Pacific listings of the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices’ (DJSI), internationally-recognized, CSR investment-focused global stock price indices. The DJSI is a family of stock indices provided by S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC (U.S.). DJSI evaluates companies for selection as constituents based on those companies’ economic, environmental, and social performance in terms of sustainability.

SOMPO Sustainability Index

  • For twelve years running, Sojitz has been a constituent of the SOMPO Sustainability Index, an index set up by Sompo Japan Insurance Inc. The SOMPO Sustainability Index was first established in August 2012, and it is reviewed annually based on Sompo Risk Management Inc.’s Buna-no-Mori (“beech forest”) environmental survey, as well as on the social and governance evaluation conducted as part of the company’s ESG management survey. The Sompo Sustainability Index is used in Sompo Asset Management Co., Ltd.’s Sustainable Management investment product.

    What is SOMPO Sustainable Management?
    SOMPO Sustainable Management is an ESG (environmental, social, governance) investment product launched by SOMPO Asset Management Co., Ltd. in August 2012. Unlike general active investing in which a fund manager evaluates and selects stocks to invest in, SOMPO Sustainable Management utilizes a buy and hold approach to invest in stocks with strong ESG evaluations from research firms. The weighting of stock holdings is determined based on its own SOMPO Sustainability Index, a proprietary active index composed of approximately 300 companies. Currently, this product is used by several pension funds and institutional investors.

External Evaluations of our Human Resource Policies

Nadeshiko Brand

  • This award, conferred jointly by the Tokyo Stock Exchange and the Ministry of Economics, Trade, and Industry each year, recognizes listed companies which excelled at empowering women in the workplace. Sojitz has been selected as a Nadeshiko Brand company for seventh consecutive years since March 2017.

    >Related news releases

Platinum Kurumin

  • The Kurumin certification is awarded by Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare in recognition of companies that provide excellent support for child-rearing in accordance with the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children. After receiving Kurumin certification for every assessment since 2010, Sojitz was awarded Platinum Kurumin certification in 2021. Sojitz has also obtained “Platinum Kurumin Plus” certification awarded from December 2022 to companies that have raised awareness internally and implemented policies and systems for employees to balance work while undergoing fertility treatment.

HR Technology Awards

  • The HR Research Institute holds the HR Technology Awards with the aim of recognizing outstanding HR initiatives in Japan and contributing to the advancement of the HR technology and data analytics field. Sojitz was awarded the Grand Prize at the 8th Annual HR Technology Awards for its emphasis on data-driven dialogues in its human resource management practices.

    >Related news releases (Japanese language only)

Human Capital Leaders

  • The Human Capital Survey is conducted with the purpose of expanding and developing the human capital management and disclosure initiatives of Japanese companies and organizations. The aim of the survey is to motivate companies to further promote human capital management and disclosure initiatives that increase corporate value. Sojitz was evaluated by the survey and selected as a Human Capital Leader for its outstanding efforts in human capital management and disclosure. Sojitz has been awarded the designation for two consecutive years since Human Capital Survey’s launch in 2022.

    >Related news releases (Japanese language only)

Ikumen Award 2020

  • Organized by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, the Ikumen Enterprise Award recognizes companies and institutions who are making exceptional efforts to encourage their male employees to participate in child rearing, with the aim of promoting work environments in which employees can more easily balance work and childcare. Sojitz Corporation received an Encouragement Award in the Ikumen Enterprise Awards 2020.

Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program

  • The NPO Nippon Kenko Kaigi issues this certification in recognition of companies that implement superior health management based on criteria set by Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. Sojitz has been recognized over multiple years since 2019 for taking a strategic, management-oriented approach to improving its employees’ health. The company has been certified as a “White 500” company under the program, and 2024 marks Sojitz’s fifth time to receive this commendation and second consecutive year following its selection in 2023.

Health & Productivity Stock Selection Program

  • The Health & Productivity Stock Selection Program, which is jointly administered by METI and the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE), evaluates only TSE-listed companies ranked within the top 500 of the Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program. The Health & Productivity Stock Selection Program chooses companies that have made strategic efforts to address employee health from a management perspective. Sojitz has been selected under the 2024 Health & Productivity Stock Selection Program for the second time following its inclusion in 2021, in recognition of the company’s exceptional health management initiatives.

DBJ Employee Health Management Rating

  • A rating issued by the Development Bank of Japan (DBJ). DBJ evaluates and rates companies based on the company’s consideration for its employees’ health, and sets financing conditions based on the evaluated company’s results. Sojitz received a rating in 2018.

Platinum Career Awards

  • Each year, Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc. holds the Platinum Career Awards in partnership with Toyo Keizai Inc. (Sponsors: Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, The Tokyo Stock Exchange). In anticipation of the 100-year life, a platinum career is defined by three characteristics, including long-term vision, autonomous learning, and the resolution of societal issues. The Platinum Career Awards recognizes companies that help to build platinum careers, and Sojitz was awarded the highest prize in June 2022.

Telework Pioneers 100 Selections Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications Award

  • The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications has designated companies and organizations that are promoting the introduction and utilization of telework. Sojitz was selected in October 2020.

Digital Transformation Certification

  • The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry issues this certification in recognition of companies based on Japan’s Act on Facilitation of Information Processing. Certification is awarded to companies that demonstrate outstanding efforts to implement the key practices of METI’s digital governance code by integrating IT systems into its businesses and corporate management vision and presenting this information to stakeholders. Sojitz was awarded digital transformation certification in April 2021.