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Sojitz Invests in Canly Inc., a SaaS Startup and Developer of a Centralized Information Management System for Web-based Store Information – Promoting Information Sharing Capabilities and Business Efficiency for B2C Companies with Multiple Stores –


Jun. 1, 2021

Sojitz Corporation

Jun. 1, 2021

Sojitz Corporation


Sojitz Corporation (“Sojitz”) has acquired stake in Canly Inc. (“Canly”), a SaaS (Software as a Service) startup, through third party allotment of shares. Canly developed and operates a cloud system that makes it possible to centralize management of store and facility information listed on the web.

Canly is a startup company established in 2018 by a Sojitz alum. This investment marks Sojitz’s first collaborative project with a Sojitz alum following the establishment of the Sojitz Alumni* organization on April 1, 2021.

As today’s digital technologies grow more sophisticated, marketing through search engines and SNS has become increasingly important for consumer businesses in recent years. At the same time, managing and sharing store and facility-related information on different media platforms is now more complicated with bi-directional communication. In cases where a company cannot conduct proper information management due to its high volume of stores and facilities, or if the company does not share its store information on the web, these companies see a correspondent decline in earnings capacity and lower customer engagement.

Canly system user interface

[Canly system user interface]

The company’s cloud system, known as “Canly,” provides clients whose stores may separately manage online information, with a centralized information management solution to reduce management and operational costs. In addition, store operation-related issues can be identified through data analysis, leading to measures to improve store operations through Canly’s store management services.

Companies that have introduced the Canly system have been able to reduce workloads related to store information management, while simultaneously ensuring greater accuracy of information and significantly improved information sharing across multiple media platforms.

Through this investment, Sojitz will promote the development of innovative products and services that meet society’s needs as the company imagines new lifestyles in a post-covid world, reflecting Sojitz’s market-oriented approach and DX initiatives. In doing so, Sojitz will contribute to the realization of a sustainable society. In addition, Sojitz will continue to “create business and develop capable people” as a general trading company as well as support entrepreneurial employees in establishing their own independent businesses and startups, with the aim of realizing sustainable development of both businesses and human resources.

*Sojitz Alumni: A business networking platform established on April 1, 2021, to foster connections among Sojitz’s former employees and between current and former members of the company.

[Related Information]

Company Overview – Canly Inc.

Established August 2018
Location 1-8-3 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
TOC Daiichi Bldg. 7F
Representative Director Yutaro Akiyama and Mamoru Tatsumi
Representative Directors and Co-CEOs
Main Business Customer engagement support/services to promote business efficiency for retail stores and restaurants; MEO consulting (Map Engine Optimization); internet media and advertising, etc.
Number of Canly System Users Approx. 10,000 + stores
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