

Sojitz Europe plc Opens New Branch in Vienna, Austria


Apr. 23, 2021

Sojitz Corporation

Apr. 23, 2021

Sojitz Corporation


Sojitz Europe plc (Head Office: London, UK; Representative Director: Satoru Takahama), a local subsidiary of Sojitz Corporation (“Sojitz”), has established a new branch in Vienna, Republic of Austria.

Austria is a leading country in Central Europe that serves as an important trade and economic hub in the region due to its geographic proximity to other Central and Eastern European countries. By establishing a branch in Vienna, Sojitz aims to grow its existing motorcycle-related business through information sharing and business development with its core partners in Vienna.

In addition to pursuing growth of existing businesses by leveraging the Vienna Branch’s central location in Europe, Sojitz will flexibly respond to changing needs within the region to provide added value while simultaneously taking on the challenge of developing new business for the purpose of new value creation.

[Related information]

Overview of Sojitz Europe plc, Vienna Branch

Location Lagergasse 1/5, 1030 Wien, Austria
Opening Date March 26, 2021(Registration for local incorporation completed on July 29, 2020)
Representative Director Yusuke Hiwatashi
Office Tel. +43-1-22746-1000

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