Sojitz Wins Encouragement Award in the Ikumen Enterprise Awards 2020
Nov. 24, 2020
Sojitz Corporation
Nov. 24, 2020
Sojitz Corporation
Sojitz Corporation (“Sojitz”) received an Encouragement Award in the Ikumen* Enterprise Awards 2020 organized by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.
Designed to promote the creation of work environments in which employees can more easily raise children while working, the Ikumen Enterprise Award recognizes companies who are making exceptional efforts to encourage their male employees to participate in child rearing while also carrying out their work responsibilities.
Recognizing that the active engagement of diverse human resources is crucial for the medium- to long-term growth of the company, Sojitz continues to support employees in balancing work and childcare and is advancing the usage of childcare leave among male employees. In doing so, the company is making efforts towards building a work environment where both work and childcare responsibilities can be managed simultaneously, regardless of gender.
* “Ikumen” is a combination of the Japanese word ikuji (childcare) and men. An ikumen is a man who actively participates in the lives of his children.
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