Energy Solutions & Healthcare Division


Sojitz Invests in Idein Inc., a Tech Startup with Unparalleled, World-class Technological Capabilities – Entering the Edge AI Platform Business –


Oct. 28, 2020

Sojitz Corporation

Oct. 28, 2020

Sojitz Corporation


Sojitz Corporation (“Sojitz”) has acquired stake in Idein Inc. (“Idein”), a startup with an edge AI (edge computing) * platform, through third party allotment of shares.

Sojitz will partner with Idein to provide AI, IoT, and big data-related services to its wide-ranging business fields as a general trading company in order to visualize on-site operations. In doing so, Sojitz aims to further increase efficiency and provide value-added services in the industries in which it demonstrates a strong market presence. Through this edge AI platform, Sojitz and Idein will promote societal implementation of AI to realize a highly-convenient society.

* [What is edge AI?]
Edge AI technology provides a solution to cloud-based AI challenges such as privacy protection, higher data volumes, and demand for ultra-low latency. While cloud computing uses remote data centers, edge AI runs AI learning algorithms on local devices (edge devices) in closer proximity to the site. Edge AI technology makes it possible to process customer data in stores and other on-site facilities and to assess abnormalities in any devices and products.


[Edge AI Actcast Platform Developed by Idein Inc. ]


Actcast is a platform developed using Idein’s original technology optimizing computing functions to enable high-speed computing on low-cost devices, which significantly reduces initial investment costs for users. In the marketplace, users can purchase any combination of apps that are developed and offered by vendors, and easily install, change, and update these apps remotely. The Actcast platform is anticipated to further accelerate the societal implementation of edge AI.

[Related Information]

Company Overview

Name Idein Inc.
Established April 7th, 2015
Location 1-105 Kanda Jimbocho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Representative Director Koichi Nakamura (A major leader in the edge AI field and the first Japanese ARM Innovator to be selected by England’s Arm Limited.)
Capital JPY 857 million
Main Business Development of the Actcast platform and platform-related services. Edge AI app development and sales are made possible on the platform, and the Actcast platform uses unparalleled, world-class technological capabilities such as its compiler technology for fast, optimized GPU computing.
Awards Idein Inc.’s original compiler technology for GPUs and other technological capabilities have been recognized internationally. In 2019, Idein Inc. received the first Embedded Technology (ET) & IoT Technology Award in history. The company was also selected as a J-Startup by METI and recognized as an ARM AI Partner (only 46 companies in the world) by the major British semiconductor company, Arm Limited.

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