Sojitz to Construct Core 500/230kV Substations in Myanmar ~ Contributing to Infrastructure That Will Improve the Electricity Situation ~
Jun. 24, 2020
Sojitz Corporation
Jun. 24, 2020
Sojitz Corporation
Sojitz Corporation (“Sojitz”) has received a contract from the Ministry of Electricity and Energy of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar (“Myanmar”) to carry out a power transformer substation development project (the “project”) for approximately 15 billion yen.
The project will be undertaken as Package 1 (500/230kV substation construction) of the National Power Transmission Network Development Project Phase 2, a yen-based ODA loan project concluded in 2015. The project is a lump-sum, full turn-key contract that encompasses the engineering, procurement, and construction of extra-high-voltage substation facilities in Phayargyi and Hlaingtharyar near Yangon, the country’s largest economic hub city. The construction period will be about 30 months.
At the end of 2019, Myanmar had achieved a national electrification rate of 50%, with further targets set at 75% by 2025 and 100% by 2030 as part of the government’s plan to expand the country’s electrification rate. Furthermore, as Myanmar undergoes economic growth, it is also seeing rising electricity consumption mainly in its large cities. However, around 60 percent of Myanmar’s electricity production comes from hydroelectric power stations located mostly in the north of the country, so there is urgent need for transmission facilities and a distribution system that can supply electricity stably and efficiently to Yangon in the south of the country where demand is largest.
Since establishing an office in Yangon in 1918, Sojitz has been involved in infrastructure and energy projects throughout Myanmar. In November 2019, Sojitz was awarded a contract for another yen-based ODA loan project to upgrade communications infrastructure in the country*. Through infrastructure projects such as these, Sojitz will continue to contribute to Myanmar’s sustainable economic development.
Moving forward, Sojitz will leverage its wide-range of experience and achievements in the electric power business to expand its involvement in electric power projects in Asia, including Myanmar, and other countries around the world.
(*) “Sojitz, NTT Com, NEC, NEC Networks & System Integration to Upgrade Communications Infrastructure in Myanmar.” Sojitz Corp. Press Release, November 20, 2019.
[Related Information]
【Location of the transformer substations】
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