Energy Solutions & Healthcare Division


Sojitz Opens One of the World’s Largest Hospital Complexes in Turkey


May 21, 2020

Sojitz Corporation

May 21, 2020

Sojitz Corporation


Sojitz Corporation (“Sojitz”) announced the opening of Ikitelli Integrated Health Campus, a joint project with Turkey’s Rönesans Healthcare Investment, holding an inauguration ceremony today to commemorate the opening. The hospital complex will open its doors under the official name, The Basaksehir Çam & Sakura City Hospital (Location: Istanbul, Turkey).*¹

In response to the novel coronavirus, part of the new hospital complex opened early on April 20th to treat the rising number of novel coronavirus patients, and The Basaksehir Çam & Sakura City Hospital has now fully opened four months ahead of its scheduled completion date to address the shortage of hospital beds in Turkey as a result of the influx of novel coronavirus patients. Sojitz has officially entered the hospital management business in Turkey via its wholly-owned subsidiary Sojitz Hospital PPP Investment B.V., where the public-private partnerships (PPP) policy is transforming healthcare facilities in the country.
*1:“Sojitz Joins Hospital Project in the Republic of Turkey.” Sojitz Corp. Press Release, 21 Jul. 2017.

The Turkish government established the Health Transformation Program in 2003 and adopted a universal healthcare system in 2008, which has led to wider healthcare coverage and higher average life expectancy, lower infant mortality rates, and other improved indicators of national health. At the same time, Turkey has subsequently seen an increase in patient numbers that have created a shortage of hospital beds, prompting Turkey’s Ministry of Health to plan public hospital facilities through public-private partnerships (PPP). The Basaksehir Çam & Sakura City Hospital aims to address these social issues and will include a general hospital, a cardiovascular diseases hospital, an oncology hospital, a women diseases hospital, a paediatric hospital, a neurology and orthopaedic science hospital, a physical therapy and rehabilitation hospital and a psychiatry hospital. It will be one of the largest health complexes in the world equipped with 2,682 hospital beds, a capacity that far surpasses even the largest hospitals in Japan.

Sojitz is putting great emphasis on its healthcare sector business and through management of this hospital complex aims to provide advances in medical services that will improve and maintain healthcare for Turkey’s population. Additionally, Sojitz will capitalize on its expertise acquired through this hospital project to expand new initiatives in healthcare fields.



[Ikitelli Integrated Health Campus Pre-Opening]

[Related Information]

Ikitelli Integrated Health Campus – Project Overview

Official Hospital Name The Basaksehir Çam & Sakura City Hospital
Location Ikitelli, Istanbul, Turkey
Project Description Design, building, finance, and management of the Ikitelli
Integrated Health Campus
Business Operator Istanbul PPP Sağlık Yatırım A.Ş. (Turkey)
Shareholder Distribution
(Equity Ownership)
Sojitz Hospital PPP Investment B.V.( Netherlands)(30.0%)
Rönesans Sağlık Yatırım A.S. (Turkey)(69.98%)
Rönesans Holding (Turkey)(0.02%)
Lending Financial Institutions Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC); Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation; Nippon Life Insurance Company; The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd.; Standard Chartered Bank; The Dai-Ichi Life Insurance Company, Limited; The Iyo Bank, Ltd. (financing by commercial banks and insurance companies are insured by NEXI’s Overseas UNTIED Loan Insurance, or else under PGR by the JBIC)

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