Energy Solution & Healthcare Division


Sojitz, Reganosa and Rubis Terminal sign a Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) for the Development of a Green Hydrogen Supply Chain connecting Galicia and North-West Europe


Oct. 3, 2022

Sojitz Corporation
Rubis Terminal Infra SAS

Oct. 3, 2022

Sojitz Corporation
Rubis Terminal Infra SAS


Japanese Industrial conglomerate Sojitz Corporation (“Sojitz”), European bulk liquid storage company, Rubis Terminal Infra SAS (“Rubis Terminal”), and Spanish infrastructure investment company, Reganosa Asset Investments (“Reganosa”)*¹ have signed a Memorandum Of Understanding (“MOU”) to conduct a joint feasibility study for the development of a green hydrogen supply chain in Europe.

Reganosa is developing the H2Pole project, first-ever regional hydrogen-project labelled as “Strategic Industrial Project”, will consist in a green-hydrogen production facility located in the Galicia, Northwest of Spain. Its initial phase operational in 2025, will target regional customers.

In a second stage, the H2Pole Project is looking forward to expanding its production to export green hydrogen or green hydrogen-carriers produced in Galicia to Northwest Europe (e.g. Amsterdam-Rotterdam-Antwerp, “ARA”) where import demand is expected to surge in the coming years to reach 2050 net zero targets.

Spain has a high potential for solar and wind power electricity generation. Proof of this is that renewables represented last year 30% of the country’s energy mix. Galicia is therefore anticipated to be an ideal green-hydrogen production center and is also strategically located to supply green-hydrogen to Northwest Europe.

The companies, with their respective business expertise and industry networks, will jointly collaborate to conduct feasibility studies in view of developing a green-hydrogen supply chain solution connecting Galicia with North-West Europe. With this Second Phase of the Project, Sojitz, Reganosa and Rubis Terminal will contribute positively to the decarbonization of the energy system.

*1: Reganosa Asset Investments is a fully owned subsidiary of parent company Reganosa Holdco S.A., Sojitz and Reganosa Holdco S.A.’s shareholding ratio for LNG receiving terminal company Regasificadora Del Noroeste SA is 15% and 85% respectively.

[Related Information]

Company Overview – Sojitz

Established 2003
Head Office 1-1, Uchisaiwaicho 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Representative Director Masayoshi Fujimoto
Main Business

Japan-oriented global trading and investment firm in the field of a wide range of industries including energy and renewable power.

Company Overview – Rubis Terminal Infra SAS

Established 1877
Head Office 33 avenue de Wagram, 75017 Paris, France
Top Management Bruno Hayem
Main Business

Storage and handling of bulk liquid products in Europe.
15 base storage tanks: France, Spain, ARA: Antwerp and Rotterdam

Company Overview – Reganosa Asset Investments S.L.

Established 2018
Head Office Lugar Promontoiro, S/N, Mugardos, 15620 , La Coruña, Spain
Top Management Collantes Perez Arda, Carlos
Bruquetas Serantes, Emilio
Main Business Investment management for Reganosa Group’s businesses in Europe (primarily Spain)

【For questions regarding this press release, contact:】
Sojitz Corporation Public Relations Dept. +81-3-6871-3404
Rubis Terminal Communications Dept.    +33-6-3136-7395

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