Automotive Division


Sojitz Makes Additional Investment in XTIA, a Solution Provider of 3D Optical Measurement Instruments - Joint Development of an Inspection Platform Business -


Oct. 1, 2020

Sojitz Corporation

Oct. 1, 2020

Sojitz Corporation


Sojitz Corporation (“Sojitz”) has made an additional investment*1 in XTIA Ltd.*2 (Former Name: Optical Comb Inc.; “XTIA”), the only tech development venture in the world to successfully harness the Nobel Prize-winning optical comb*3 technology for industry application. Acquiring additional stake in the company through third party allotment of shares, Sojitz aims to jointly pursue the development of an inspection platform that utilizes data obtained from XTIA’s inspection apparatus.

The obtainment and utilization of effective measurement data from manufactured products is imperative to the realization of Industry 4.0 factory automation. Up until now, XTIA has installed non-contact 3D profilometers using optic comb technology for clients seeking to automate their inspection processes. The company has subsequently been consulted many times by those clients for a solution to solve their challenges in acquiring capable personnel to monitor and utilize the data and information obtained through XTIA’s inspection apparatus.

In order to provide a solution, Sojitz and XTIA have decided to jointly develop a new and original inspection platform that makes data obtained more accessible to all users, so even those inexperienced with data analysis can easily monitor and make use of data obtained from measurement instruments. Through this additional funding, Sojitz will invest in the establishment of a software development team to speed the creation of this inspection platform, which will not only resolve the manufacturing industry’s staffing shortages, but also provide comprehensive support for fully-automated inspection processes as part of a total solution.

In addition, Sojitz will further strengthen its partnership with XTIA through this investment. Combining Sojitz’s quality inspection business with XTIA’s optical comb technology, Sojitz and XTIA aim to realize Industry 4.0, make automated inspection processes widespread, and further the creation of new services.

※1)“Sojitz Invests in XTIA, a Major Manufacturer of 3D Optical Measurement Instrument.” Sojitz Corp. Press Release, 21 Feb. 2020.
With this second investment, Sojitz’s total investment comes to approximately JPY 500 million.
※2)XTIA Ltd.: A tech development venture with highly original and advanced technologies. XTIA is the only company in the world to successfully harness the Nobel Prize-winning physics technology of optical combs for industrial use. The company is helping to realize Industry 4.0 by responding to automation needs for measurement and inspection at manufacturing sites with the development and completion of measurement methods using optical comb technology. XTIA conducts development and sale of inspection equipment that makes automated inspections possible, and it has formed business alliances with multiple companies to provide optical comb technology as a measurement method.
※3)Optical comb technology: As the Nobel Prize-winning technology for physics in 2005, optical comb technology serves as the world’s most accurate tool for measurement. In 2008, XTIA Ltd. became the first company in the world to successfully utilize optic comb technology for industrial application. For further details on XTIA’s products and technologies, please refer to their website.

[Related Information]

Company Overview – XTIA

Established April 2002
Location 3-32-42 Higashi Shinagawa, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo
IS Building 2F
Representative Director Takao Yagi, President & CEO
Main Business Development, sale, and application of optical comb generators and related equipment

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