Local Communities

Develop and grow together with local communities

Sojitz recognizes that coexistence with local communities is critical as we conduct our businesses. We promote businesses that grow together with local communities, and we work to reduce the environmental and social impacts on local communities through our business.

Key Social Issues

  • Infrastructure development in emerging countries
  • Health
  • Medical care
  • Regional revitalization


Sojitz has selected the following Materiality.

Themes Contents Related SDGs

Develop and grow together with local communities

Sojitz promotes businesses that grow together with local communities.
We work to reduce environmental and social burden on local communities through our businesses.
Through ongoing communication with local communities, we strive to achieve business sustainability, address local problems and support children’s education.

9 Industry, innovation, infrastructure
10 Reduced inequalities

Develop and grow together with local communities


Sojitz promotes businesses that grow together with local communities.
We work to reduce environmental and social burden on local communities through our businesses.
Through ongoing communication with local communities, we strive to achieve business sustainability, address local problems and support children’s education.

Related SDGs
9 Industry, innovation, infrastructure
10 Reduced inequalities


For more details on Sojitz’s local community initiatives, please visit the Sojitz ESG Book.