Skills Matrix

Skills Matrix of Sojitz’s Board of Directors

In implementing our management strategy, our Board of Directors is required to support swift and decisive decision-making by the executives and to appropriately supervise business execution.
Therefore, Sojitz believes it is important for the Board of Directors to have knowledge of international affairs, economics, and culture, as well as a global perspective that allows for dialogue and acceptance of diversity. In addition, knowledge and experience in formulating and implementing management strategies and policies, knowledge and experience in M&A, investment and financing and digital transformation to create opportunities for sustainable growth, and experience in business management to increase business value are considered important.
Sojitz also believes that expertise in risk management, legal affairs, finance and accounting, human resources, and internal controls is necessary to strengthen the business foundation, as well as environmental and social expertise to further promote the realization of a decarbonized, circular economy and the resolution of social issues.

*As of June 18, 2024

Name Masayoshi
Position Representative Director Representative Director Representative Director Director Director, Chair of the Board of Directors <Outside><Independent> Director, Chair, Nomination Committee <Outside><Independent> Director, Chair, Remuneration Committee <Outside><Independent> Director, Audit and Supervisory Committee Member(Full-time), Chair of Audit and Supervisory Committee Director, Audit and Supervisory Committee Member <Outside><Independent> Director, Audit and Supervisory Committee Member <Outside><Independent> Director, Audit and Supervisory Committee Member <Outside><Independent>
Corporate management  
Legal / Risk management
Business Investment / Mergers and acquisitions
Finances and accounting
Human Resources Strategy / Human Resources Management
Internal control
Environment and social
  • The skills, careers, and expertise required for the Board of Directors will be reviewed in response to changes in the business environment and management policies.
  • Areas of particular attention should be paid to by each officer in supervising management are marked with (○).
Purpose of election
Global We operate a diverse range of businesses on a global scale, and we believe it is important to have insight into international affairs, economics, and culture gained from our experience in managing businesses overseas.
Corporate management We believe that it is important to have experience and insight in business management and corporate governance gained from management experience at domestic and overseas operating companies and overseas offices, as well as experience in business execution at the Company’s headquarters.
Legal / Risk management We believe that it is important to have experience and insight to supervise whether appropriate contractual actions and risk management are taken while foreseeing significant risks associated with the business execution.
Business Investment / Mergers and acquisitions We believe that it is important to have experience and insight to make decisions and supervise business investment and M&A management decisions, while overseeing management strategy, governance policies, and social and environmental impact.
Finances and accounting We believe that it is important to have professional experience and insight in the areas of finance, accounting, and taxation for the Company to achieve sustainable growth, increase corporate value, and strengthen its financial base.
Human Resources Strategy / Human Resources Management We believe that it is important to have experience and insight in sustainable efforts to strengthen human capital and improve organizational culture or the Company to achieve “a general trading company that constantly cultivates new businesses and human capital.”
Internal control We believe that it is important to have professional experience and insight to monitor, confirm, and check functions to business execution, and to supervise whether appropriate legal compliance, operations, and improvements are being made.
Environment and social We are striving to create two types of value–“value for Sojitz,” such as business expansion and sustainable growth, and “value for society,” such as regional economic development and environmental preservation. To achieve this, we believe that it is important to have insight into global environmental and social issues.
Digital We aim to utilize digital technology in all of our businesses under the slogan “Digital in all.” We believe that it is important to have insight into to oversee “offensive” DX,” such as business model innovation and creation, and “defensive" DX,” such as improving efficiency and enhancing security.