Sojitz Corporation


Sojitz joins “IkuBoss Corporate Alliance”

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Oct. 16, 2018
Sojitz Corporation

Sojitz Corporation (“Sojitz”) has become the first general trading company to join the “IkuBoss Corporate Alliance”* program managed by NPO Fathering Japan (Representative Director: Tetsuya Ando).

* The “IkuBoss Corporate Alliance” is a network comprised of companies seeking to develop the next generation of ideal leaders, or “IkuBosses”. These managers are defined as bosses who not only encourage staff and subordinates’ to pursue professional development alongside their personal lives (work-life balance), but who can take time to enjoy their personal lives themselves while still ensuring the organization produces results. The member companies of the IkuBoss Corporate Alliance understand how necessary IkuBosses are for a healthy workplace, and they are actively working to change management mindsets within their organizations.

One of the three pillars of the Human Resources Strategy included in Sojitz’s Medium-term Management Plan 2020 is the promotion of diversity management. Sojitz aims to create an environment where each employee can utilize their unique strengthens to contribute to the sustainable growth of the company.

The Sojitz Commitment to IkuBoss


Related Policies & Measures

As part of its diversity promotion policies, Sojitz has primarily worked to increase women’s engagement in the workplace and support their ability to raise children as working mothers. Now, Sojitz will also work to change minds, improve company culture, and create a work-life management system not limited by gender, so that all employees can demonstrate their full potential.

Aside from the Diversity Management Training Program for all General Manager and Manager-level employees introduced in FY2018, Sojitz is working to bolster diversity management and work-life management, such as by setting a target of 30% or more of eligible male employees taking paternity leave.

A boss who understands and shows consideration for the child-raising, care-giving, and work-life balance needs of their subordinates and staff Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare (Japanese):

・Work-life Management
Proactively managing employees so that each can balance work with their personal lives

・Diversity Management
Management which utilizes the unique strengths of each organization’s individual members

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